Who am I?

Hello! My name is Matthew!

And I created Penrabbit!

I'm digital artist who knows computers stuff! I've been drawing since I was young, but I wanted to focus more into story-writing.

My Goal

Regardless of what I'll do, my goal is to bring joy, and inspire others to write their story a better one!

Stories that convery lessons I've learned in life.

Most of these lessons came from my experiences as a Christian in my daily life. I'll use the Bible to help inspire me to find good themes for the things I'll create.

Still, the projects I'll be working on should be enjoyable and in excellent quality as it's one of my top priority. First is the message, then lastly the quality and enjoyment.

Who is Amittai?

Amittai is a little blob of ink who has two feathers on his head as if they're rabbit ears.

I would imagine him as little thing who would always smile, but drifts away into constant thought as he writes with his little feather-pen.

The name Amittai came from Hebrew meaning, "my truth"

I named him Amittai because I don't want to forget, and I tend to do that. What I don't want to forget is the reason for creating.

So whenever I see the adorable blob of ink...

I will never let go of my passion I found when I write down my endless thoughts. To write words with meaning that'll bring ideas, stories, into fruition.

Fun Facts

1. Amittai's Name

I was Fish with Headphones before Penrabbit, and my little fish wearing headphones' (which seen in my personal accounts) name is Mint!

So, after 2 weeks since Penrabbit's initial creation, I realized a little pun... A-Mint-tai. I thought it was hilarious. :D

2. Mint's Name (My Fish!)

I named my fish wearing headphones Mint because of Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: Explorer of Skies. I was Torchic and my partner was Turtwig. In the naming process, I thought about naming "myself" as Torchic Mint!